Creating and configuring AWS MySQL RDS

Ramindu De Silva
3 min readMar 21, 2020


These days, most of the organizations does not maintain their databases. They uses RDS since it’s easier to set up, operate, and scale database using the services they provide.

In this article, I will be listing down the initial and basic configurations that is needed to be done when using AWS RDS.

Let’s get started!!

Login to the console and click on RDS.

Creating parameter groups

First thing first, when creating a database, lots of configurations has to be made in parameters such as max_connections. And the AWS RDS doesn’t let you edit the default parameter group. So we need to create a parameter group before setting up the RDS. (It can be done after the RDS is created as well). In the Amazon RDS select the Parameter Groups in the left navigation panel and click on Create parameter group

Let’s edit max_connections parameter. Click on the newly created parameter group and search for max_connections parameter and edit the value as 300. And click onSave Changes.

Creating the RDS

In the left navigation panel, click on databases and click on Create databases

In the configurations the following will be the important changes has to be noted.

  • Choose a database creation method: Standard Create
  • Engine type: MySQL
  • Template: Free Tier
  • Settings
  • In additional configurations, select the parameter group that created earlier
  • In additional connectivity section, Make Publicly accessible to `Yes` (This is for us to connect and create the database from the local machine and manipulate)

Enabling Public Access to the database

To to enable the public access, click on the VPC security groups in the database configuration after the database is created.

Click the relevant Security Group

Select Edit Inbound rules

Add the following inbound rules. Here I have enabled accessing the database from any IP address

Usually the database is created using the default VPC, subnet and the security group. This configuration can be done before the RDS is created as well by editing an existing security group and giving the particular VPC, subnet and security group when creating the RDS instance.

Connecting to the created instance using MySQL workbench

Now you know how to connect and configure a AWS RDS so that you can access from anywhere.



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